Self-loathing (usually Republican/GOP), closeted, gay bashing/hating conservative, usually married with children, who has sex with other men "on the down-low."

These faggots: Larry Craig (R-ID), Richard Curtis (R-WA), Tom Foley (R-FL) David Drier (R-CA), Ted Haggard (GOP), Ken Mehlman (GOP), Armstrong Williams (GOP) don't fool anybody!
by Cleaning the closet November 1, 2007
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A rude way to say gay or homosexual, like very mean but I say it anyways because its halairous!

Can also be slanged by saying; fag
Me- Sup faggot
Friend- Actually I like to be called gay not a faggot thank you
Me- Yeah ok fag XD
by A.I.B January 16, 2020
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A dude that likes to stick his dick in other dude's asses.
Wow, look at Bill, he's such a faggot.
Yeah, I heard he stuck his dick in Jimmy last friday.
by WoooooooooooooooW May 26, 2015
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Noun. A cowardly, insipid bureaucrat. Typically, a male British civil servant who is weak of mind and spirit. Someone who will always do the lazy, easy and usually ethically wrong thing to protect their career or self-interest.
Of course, he has loads of disposable income and free time, he is a faggot afterall
by Galt Government Sniper December 7, 2017
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Hey you faggot you better not vote this off.
You are a faggot if you dont vote yes
by Rajonz Quail May 5, 2020
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A method of decorating cloth by pulling out horizontal threads and tying the remaining vertical threads into hourglass-shaped bunches.
Me and my black mom were faggoting together last night.
by [14k]AD January 13, 2003
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1. A word used to describe anyone who is being an asshole, douche, just a general prick, or a total cunt
2. Someone who's only good enough to be used as fuel for a fire
John: Jesus Christ Mark is such an asshole
Moe: Why? What did he do now?
John: That son of a bitch keyed my car!
More: Wow what a fuckin faggot.
by jam legged johny April 1, 2015
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