That son of a bitch

1.A person of dislike.

2.An expression of anger towards something or someone.
"Im so mad at that son of a bitch because he took my sandwich!"
by Poseidonlord March 25, 2017
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son of a bitch

something you can call a motherfucking bastard.
1: ey man, i stole your credit card.
2:you son of a bitch
by Irishspringgreengreen April 12, 2020
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son of a bitch

1) Worst thing to call your father and 2) a curse used by Dean Winchester to express his great disbelief or anger at a situation.
1) Son: "Dad, how could you?! You son of a bitch!"
Dad: "Don't talk about your grandmother that way!"

2)*watches blonde cheerleader walk into house of murder vic*
Dean: "Son of a bitch."
Sam: "What?"
Dean: "Nothing, call you right back."
by BNILTIAC June 16, 2011
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son of a bitch

Son of a Bitch (SOB), and Son of a Gun, two variants, both euphemisms. There are varios theories regarding the origins of the phrase, however one can believe what they like. Can be put as an interjection expressing;
1. Surprise

2. Amazement

3. Anger

4. Disappointment

5. Disgust

6. Revenge

7. Gratitude

8. Etc.
1. (When discovering a friend of yours screwing with your grandmother, mother, sister, cousin, girlfriend...)
She; "Someones commin in!"
Friend; "I am baby...(realises it ain't a joke)what?really? who the..."
You;(mouth wide open)"...what?...Son of a bitch!"

2. (When you see a Nerd, getting it on with 5 very fine chicks at a party...)
Travis; "Dude...what the fuck? see that?"
Jason; "Holy shit..."
Both; "I'll be damned...son of a bitch..."

3. (When a silly little fucker, plays around with your balls, and a fight begins)
Opponent; "i'm goin to kick your arse!"
You; "we'll see about that, you silly son of a bitch!"

4. (When your girlfriend dumps you, cause your shit in bed)
Jack; "...hey man...don't worry..millions of other bitches in the sea...thats life!"
You; (crying your eyes out)...lifes a son of a bitch Jack"

5. (When you discover a friend of yours fucking a dog)
Dog; (trying to escape with all his strengh)...HEEELP! Get this fucker off me!"
Your girlfriend; "OH MY GOD!"
You; "...filthy son of a bitch!"

6. (Whilst taking a crap on your nieghbours front lawn, for pissing you off for some reason one evening)
Niehgbour; "What the hell do you think your doing?"
You; "What's it look like you son of a bitch?"

7. (When some friend of yours buys you a blowup sex doll for your birthday)
Tom; "here, hope you like it"
You; "aaaawww, you didn't have to, you son of a bitch"

8. Or for any other situation.
by Sollord December 24, 2006
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Son of a bitch

A person who you hate and the only word you can use is son of a bitch. or a word of surprise. Related to asshole
Why the fuck did you smoke all my J you son of a bitch.

Wife: Honey, I am pregnant
Man: Son of a bitch!
by FucK You November 28, 2004
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used as an intensive when you are angry, upset, or just want to plain kick the crap out of somebody
Example 1: (in the car) Are you going to cut me off, you son-of-a-bitching asshole?
Example 2: (at work) My boss is such a son-of-a-bitching prick.
by wolves3622 December 31, 2011
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