The act of being a cuntor a straight up bitch to another person for no reason
“Hey Audrey why are you acting so cunty?”
by Broswank May 7, 2019
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Cunties, a person or people that are doing random things incorrectly that inconvenience others around them purely because they are being cunt like. Best example is shit drivers, door to door salespeople not taking the hint and waiting in line because companies are short staffed
Fucking cunties, everywhere i go its cuntiville at cuntioclock and there is so many cunties dragging down the collective IQ of the world's population
by aussiechef1 March 21, 2022
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That certain cunt in your life that has a very cunty cuntness that can only be described by the cuntiest name hence the title, Cunty McCuntington, the class of a cunt but neither the depth nor the warmth.
Scott-"That one, that one right there!"
Jacob-"Who Stacey?"
Scott-"Yes, she's cunty mccuntington!"
by Sadistaclypse October 16, 2014
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An individual who cannot stand the thought of drinking anything other than craft beer and feels the need to impress others with their knowledge of all things beer.
A bud light? Ew! You know I’m a cunty beer fuck!
by The_Story April 18, 2022
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If you remove my cunty plum, I will let you do me during red week. She uttered all high-classy.
by Jedidee June 29, 2019
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A negroid male that is prone to act in a manner conducive of a cunt.
Yo Jamal, quit being a cunty nigga, dawg...
by BingBonkTheorem January 15, 2022
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