A Humble individual with so many kids he drives a minivan. Being "Scared of Stella" is known to be another attribute of this person. First to speak and quick to anger, he is always ready for a war of words.
I couldn't run my car against the Honda God since his car was broken again.
by Hond@ God August 17, 2020
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A powerful deity that is capable of anything.
Yaou Honda has the power to eat his own ass.
by Ahdbwkks June 21, 2018
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A honda civic is a user on reddit that always points out mobile users every time he has the chance. When somebody says "r/" but with a capital, 'R" honda civics point them out and post them on r/foundthemobileuser.
Redditor 1: "R/Woooosh"
Redditor 2: r/foundthemobileuser
Redditor 3: "Found the honda civic"
by Spoonks May 11, 2020
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the poor person's car. most likely you wanted an accord but it was way too expensive so you settled for a civic. but you came to realize that a civic runs like a sack of shit that was set on fire.

people who own civics are probably dumb as fuck and think having a civic is "cool" but in reality you literally drive the same car as your 98 yr old grandmother. honda civic drivers are literal scum of the earth and deserves the firing squad.

you are also probably a car enthusiast which is even more cringe than just owning a honda. imagine modding a car that is worth less nickocado avacado's onlyfans. thats embarrassing fr, if you are going to spend some money on a car that actually has some value skip honda civic and go for an actual car that doesnt drive like a steaming pile of dog shit.

also its fucking uncomfortable as fuck and people who drives are uptight assholes who have a god complex. if hitler was still alive today, he would include honda civic drivers his europe no-no list and people would be celebrating the extermination of honda civic drivers.

all-in-all, fuck honda civic drivers cause they are literally fucking dumbasses on the road.
Brendon: hey look! its a honda civic!

Literally everyone: oh my fucking god, thats literal shit on wheels.
by antihondacivicmovement #AHCM February 8, 2022
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A very legendary man of Alberta. Where the only thing he does is drives Honda quads. Drink beer and cause shit
Did u hear what Honda Copenhagen did this weekend?

What did he do

He drove a lawnmower around that was on fire while shotgunning a beer

What a legendary guy
by Honda Copenhagen December 18, 2019
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the mobile place aka their car (a honda) where a slut or whore uses as her mobile fucking grounds !!!!!! or mobile brothel for her port a pussy!!! hotel honda
hop back in HOTEL HONDA & keep on rollin' down whore highway you slutwheel!!!!!
by GIDDYUPBABYy March 14, 2010
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95 Honda Accord with a Chevy bowtie drawn with sharpie around the H on the hood
I can't get an 86 Monte Carlo yet so I got a 95 Honda Carlo in the meantime
by Kiddswindle May 31, 2022
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