a hobo who goes by little champ he claims he is 6 foot but studies have shown he is not. He is the #1 potato! He is a sexy lil champ #hobo
by 이슬 November 21, 2018
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A Welsh Or Hebrew Given Name. He Is sweet and caring, He is an all-around good individual and is a bit shy and reserved when people first meet him, But in reality is the cutest and funniest dude reality has ever known, He will stick up for his friends through the roughest times and will tell opressors to kindly back off. he is generally characterized of being tall,Dark-haired,Blue eyed, Smiling, Wearing a sports cap, wearing sweatpants, and wearing a blue and black lined shirt.
I Love Keller, He is so great!!!
IKR!!! (Runs Over and kisses him)
by 2004kid September 4, 2018
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A Very Sexy,Nice,Mature,Caring, Lover Boy That Draws The attention of almost everyone around him. He Loves Gaming but is generally shy and timid around new people that he meets Sometimes, but all in all He is the sweetest Boy ever that many want to be in a relationship with. He Is The Nicest Boy That ever walked the face of the earth. His Big Blue eyes will draw the attention of others just so they can be his girl.
My Boyfriend could be a keller.
I Love the name keller it is awesome.
by 2004kid August 14, 2018
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Keller-"Short For Kenneth"
Meaning-"Little Companion
A Keller is a guy who is Sweet,Good Looking,Intelligent, And has a great taste for music.
Geez!! Are you dating Keller??? Lucky!!!
by K-dog-2004 November 14, 2018
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A wonderful friend and cuddly lover. You'll fall in love with his voice the moment you meet him. May be a virgin but damn does he have natural talent. A writer and musician with fingers that work magic ;))
I'm love Keller
by PenisPastaSause October 13, 2021
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(n) simone who gets two answers right on school work and dosent give a frick about what peopl say

(v) to do something stupid
1: I’m such a Keller for failing my NHD project

2: I just ran over a person, I pulled a Keller
by Kellerdude February 8, 2018
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