A heinous and vile concoction created by throwing glass bottles of any and all kinds of alcohol into a bathtub until it’s about half full. You then scoop it out with a bucket and hope you don’t get any glass in your serving of SwampPunch.
Hey man we’re going to Tanners to make Swamp Punch bring all of you booze!
by GenrlWolf June 24, 2018
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V. To repudiate an ideological position with data-based fact. argumentation debate data fact punch proof
He asserted that the economy was getting worse, but I fact-punched him with this year's reduced unemployment rates and increased GDP. argumentation debate data fact punch proof
by Soze June 11, 2013
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Lunch where people share their experiences with each other so they can learn from each others pitfalls and success stories. Alternatively, it can mean having a sexual lunch orgy.
Alex went to the punch lunch and learned why you shouldn't microwave aliminium foil. Alternatively, Alex went to the punch lunch to have wicked sex with his coworkers
by Very legitimate sources April 12, 2018
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The act of giving your sister/cousin a donkey punch.

A fruit punch flavored drink.
Man, Daryl really gave his sister, Miranda, a country punch. She has a concussion.

Tommy loves drinking Country Punch.
by TheScarab December 4, 2016
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It's when someone has the sudden, unstoppable urge to violently punch in a non-sexual way usually leaving the receiver very harmed or at the very least traumatized.
Puerto Ricans usually love the act of destructive anal butt punching.
by Nigaruno March 11, 2017
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When you purchase a large unpeeled clove of garlic for the specific purpose of inserting it into your anus to rebuild your tolerance of garlic. This process is best preformed by a partner. The proper steps are outlined below:
1. Purchase clove of garlic

2. Bend over and present the target
3. Your partner will now position the garlic over the anus and execute a literal falcon punch against the garlic clove driving it into your anus
4. It is recommend to now sitdown and let it sauté
"Hey dude, i cant eat garlic anymore. Can you clove punch me, i need to get this sorted"
by riffraffbullshit May 22, 2021
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When a dog-shit employee goes out of their way to french kiss the shit-box of a high level manager as a means to promote job security. Generally, this is done when said employee should be fulfilling their job responsibilites, but instead choses to spend that time caressing the managerial balloon-knot.

Other forms of "Executive Tongue-punching" include, but are not limited to: inviting the boss and his wife over for dinner, going out drinking with the CEO, and going on vacation with the president of the company.
Brian: "Did we get those reports from Greg yet?"

John: "Nope. Been waiting on them all morning. I guess an executive tongue-punch comes before his job."
by Shenaniganz13 February 8, 2023
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