A beautiful person who always makes your days better, they'll always take care of you and make you feel better when you're not at your best; Mel always knows what to say and they're so funny and comforting. They are so loving and kind, you'll not feel alone around them, Mel will always try to make you smile, even if they're not good as well.

They're such a great artists and are so talented.

I hope everyone gets to meet a Mel once in their lifes. I love them so much and they mada and make me happy, I won't every regret I had meet them. <3
Everyone should have a Mel in their lifes.
by October 8, 2022
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Extremely bad at among us. Like to the point that you could do better completely wasted on everclear. She will be losing 110% of the time. She's extremely bad at writing, in fact, she struggled spelling the "dictionary" part of "urban dictionary" when trying to find this definition.
Person 1:
get mel'ed bitch, you SUCK

Person 2
by pg_maguire October 20, 2020
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Mel and cool person they are so swag (gay) and sometimes an absolute asshole this bitch acts like saiki and kenma mixed but whatever.
Yo, Mel does not ever talk but their pretty chill
by zont zoo it June 16, 2021
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Mel, she started it, so I was defending myself
Mel started it, I was only defending myself from this bully and she started it, 😂 😀
by Skeggssy July 13, 2023
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Mel Dean/Driscoll is the one messin with a very ill ladys husband .... did I mention they are seniors
Mel - did you like the red koliang food
by WilliemyG September 17, 2022
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A boy, who has not that much friends. Most people don't like him and think that he's awkward. But the one's who see him standing there all alone and don't think about him as weird, rather as mystical, are the lucky ones. If you can name one of your friends a Mel you better keep them. If you can deal with his emotions and even his 'bad sides' a Mel is the perfect one for you. He's loving, he cares more about you than ANYONE in this whole world, he is your save space when you're feeling like everything is going to break and he makes you love yourself again, he's all you want in your life. Mel's are direct, funny and have often a trashy sense of humor. But they also can be very pensive and deep. If you share the same way to think with them you have met an soulmate for life. Mel's are great persons.
"He's such an adorable boy, I love his cuteness and how he makes me feel loved"
"Damn, he has to be a Mel"

I love my Mel and I could not be happier with any Person in my life.
by _Lufty_ November 26, 2017
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