(n) Corruption of "dumb loser". First appeared as a typo on Facebook.

1) A person who consistently zeros in on and maintains a flawed argument even after having been proven wrong

2) A person who makes a stupid move/decision

3) A person who unfailingly begins an argument with the stupidest person in the room.
1) It's 2012. Anyone who still has a W '04 bumper sticker on their car is a dumb laser.

2) You were just totally pwned, you dumb laser.

3) He's always getting into fights with idiots. He's such a dumb laser.
by Snibby March 16, 2012
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Corruption of "dumb loser". First appeared as a typo on Facebook.

1) A person who consistently zeros in on and maintains a flawed argument even after having been proven wrong

2) A person who makes a stupid move/decision
1) It's 2012. Anyone who still has a W '04 bumper sticker on their car is a dumb laser.

2) You were just totally pwned, you dumb laser.
by Snibby March 16, 2012
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When your office manager tries to be hip while someone states the obvious fault in the product.
Thats a laser shot review Brad. These minor nuances make huge difference. Appreciate it. 👌
by Devil Dude November 21, 2018
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The event when a person/thing rages so much that they fire lasers to vent the rage extremly awesomely.
-rage lasers fire-
-"woah! did steve just fire his rage lasers?"
by Lolazaurus April 10, 2010
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It's a word used to define when a man ejacualtes so hard and with such an accurate beam that it can ''cleanly'' cut through anything like if it was a laser cutter.
Yesterday when i left home i forgot my keys so i decided to start watching lesbian BDSM porn on my phone, i pointed my cock to the lock of my door and ejaculated, now i gotta pay 1000$ in repairs but at least i was able to enter my house. It felt like one of those laser cutters from cartoons that cut through everything they point at.
by Cuttermaster69 October 17, 2023
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The act of shooting at a silhouette in the fog
Yo man I was playing laser tag last night hit dude right in the chest
by Juggalo ginger July 11, 2018
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Electronic music. Typically heard at raves or European discos. Sounds like a fire fight from an 80s G.I. Joe episode (all of their guns shot laser beams).

A hallmark of Laser Music is a highly repetitive beat and "laser sounds" (e.g. pew pew pew pew beeet beet beet beet, etc) that requires a heavy dose of illicit drugs (ecstasy and the like) to enjoy.
Person A: "They said they were gonna be at xyz club tonight and that we should go"
Person B: "Xyz club? That's a laser music club! Fuck that!"
Person A: "What? You mean you are fresh out of glow sticks and ecstasy?"
by ThePinnacle October 20, 2011
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