“Theo is so amazing!”
by - swag kenma February 1, 2021
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Theo is usually a individual who usually only talks to 1 female. Usually that female thinks he short and gross. Theos usually keep food in there socks and eat it. Theos are normally no taller than 5”
Oh man I look like Theo
by Mathisgreat April 8, 2019
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he is a little bitch in a relationship, controlling and manipulative and he always has to be right.

as a friend he is caring and loving but the second he’s in a relationship the most toxic person you will ever meet.

bitch 1 - i’m in a really toxic relationship

bitch 2 - must be named theo then
theo’s really toxic, gotta avoid dating him then
by January 8, 2023
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Good kid nice but takes things to far sometimes
Hay it's theo
by Starfinder8 June 3, 2021
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theo is honestly an amazing person and he's so cool and I think about him so much all the time I hope he lives an amazing life for how amazing he is.
I really love Theo
by zzzzzzzjaspwrzzzz November 21, 2021
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