Marley is the girl who literally feels like sunshine. She looks like the rainbow that comes from a sun catcher. People either absolutely lover her, or just don't know her good enough yet. Marleys tend to be insecure about things that aren't true or don't exist, I think they just have a hard time seeing how beautiful they are. Marleys are kind and sincere, they most literally deserve the world. If anyone was kissed my God himself, it was Marley. <3 take care of the mars in your life
Do you know who that girl is?

Yeah that's Marley, why?

I can't keep my eyes off of her she's glowing!
by hartfordconneticut October 6, 2023
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Although, she is pretty and all the boys want to date her she is a bitch. She plays with boys hearts and makes it seem like your fault. She has 2 sides one is a playful person and the other is a stubborn, bratty, entitled. She act like everything is about her. She will give you attention then leave and repeat until she breaks your heart.
I was talk to Marley and she played with my heart.
by Bro username September 21, 2021
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A curly headed goofball. The best at being mean and doesn’t really care what people think about him. And can cheer yu up
by Vixuiz November 22, 2021
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Marley is like a car alarm that goes off at 3am and won’t stop. The smell of a shit that lingers in the bathroom marinating in the warm sun. And finally a Marley is my baby mama who won’t stop asking for child support money.
Damn Marley is asking me to feed the kids again. Don’t ever marry a Marley.
by Urmomsdild November 27, 2021
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Marley (v.)

To pull the leg of someone's chair, especially when they are standing on it, to trip them.
I then proceeded to Marley Mahjoob's chair, and he fell on the floor.
by HubstaAtSchool May 8, 2023
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Dating back to 1760 a genetic marvel would accrue where males under the man Marley would be born with a higher intelligence than a regular homosapien, more hardened muscles and a gigantic pair of testicles and large penis, (scientifically proven to be on average 12 to 18 cm larger than other homosapiens not called Marley). They are also known to be rather rich however due to there impeccable intelligence they would rather save there money for the future or donate it to close companions rather than spending it all for themselves. A rival to the Marley is the Mathew (noted: not to be confused with the Matthew) any Mathew within the area of a Marley will trigger the Marley to act out in violent spurs of rage, especially if the said Mathew is above 5ft 2, However apart from this the Marley is rather docile and will not bother to harm any others he deems weaker than themselves.
Marley tends to have a fat cock.
Marley is an amazing person
by WGR3Q5HE54R November 23, 2021
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person 1: do you know marley?
person 2: yes ofc she’s louis tomlinson’s girlfriend.
by mmarley June 15, 2021
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