1 definition by WGR3Q5HE54R

Dating back to 1760 a genetic marvel would accrue where males under the man Marley would be born with a higher intelligence than a regular homosapien, more hardened muscles and a gigantic pair of testicles and large penis, (scientifically proven to be on average 12 to 18 cm larger than other homosapiens not called Marley). They are also known to be rather rich however due to there impeccable intelligence they would rather save there money for the future or donate it to close companions rather than spending it all for themselves. A rival to the Marley is the Mathew (noted: not to be confused with the Matthew) any Mathew within the area of a Marley will trigger the Marley to act out in violent spurs of rage, especially if the said Mathew is above 5ft 2, However apart from this the Marley is rather docile and will not bother to harm any others he deems weaker than themselves.
Marley tends to have a fat cock.
Marley is an amazing person
by WGR3Q5HE54R November 23, 2021
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