when you sit down and you feel sudden breeze and vibration in your ass
guy2:what is it
guy1:i just got ghost dildo
guy2:no way!
by normal brownies November 4, 2022
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when you sit down and there is a sudden breeze and vibration in your ass
guy2:what is it?
guy1:i just got a ghost dildo
guy2:no way!
by normal brownies November 4, 2022
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A sort of hedge fund that is invisible to the government and tax implications. It is a legal loophole to use cryptocurrency to get around the bureaucratic policies that would usually stop normal individuals from starting a hedge fund. It does not exist as far as taxes are concerned
I invested in a ghost fund last year. Despite me making money using that investment vehicle, I claimed the taxes in my name instead.
by loosoh June 16, 2021
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When someone has such powerful body odor, that you can smell where they have been, after they have left.
Man I wish keelontay would shower, every where he goes he leave a stink ghost.
by E-money stink ghost January 25, 2019
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A cat on Twitter.com who as no idea what's going on, the accounts @ is @kit_i_think
Jim: "hey do you follow ghost Kit on Twitter?
Bob: "Jim what the hell are you talking about!?"
by Ghost Kit November 23, 2020
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When you are in the middle seat of an suv with a guy named Pablo and a friend passing a blunt and blowing fat thick clouds
by Sakkar65 June 10, 2019
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1.) Noun: when its smells like a really bad fart and there is not an anus in site for miles!
2.)Verb: when your friend farts and will not admit it.
noun or verb.
3.) Exclamation: When in a two-person conversation, someone smells a fart and is sure they did not pass wind but is not sure if the other person has, he/she may exclaim ghost anus to dismiss the idea that the awful smell is in fact from him/her.
Verb: Dude. did you just ghost anus all over that bald man's head?
Noun: It smells like ghost anus in this museum.

Alexys: So that is pretty much all that really matters in my mind
Sam: Ghost Anus
by Moustachioed Villain January 2, 2012
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