Swimming in a stranger's pool in the middle of the night without getting caught.
Bonus: going through a neighborhood, swimming in as many backyard pools as you can in one night.
While the rich people went to Cancun, my friends and I went Ninja Swimming during spring break.
by I'mNotThatOld March 17, 2016
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spider-ninja is a song made by grade 8 people in Canada and they are super cool and really chill people. Spider-ninja was inspired by a high school assembly and have brought these three gr 8 girls closer together as friends!!
Chelsea: Izzy sing Spider-ninja in the Talent Show
Izzy: That’s a great idea
Annika: I wanna sing too!!
by let’s rock and roll 123 November 23, 2019
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Proclaimed Action:

One calls out "Ninja Time" to signify that they are going to vanish for a while, after the statement "Ninja Time" has been made it is customary but not necessary to include "Duces"
Bez: Yo this party sucks
Jack: Yeah but what are you going to do? We have to be here..
Bez: Ninja Time..... duces
Jack: Ninja what?? Wait... What?? Where did you go?? {Looks around to no avail}
by TheAlbanianKingBez February 24, 2011
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1. When dorks & their friends get together to pretend to be ninjas by doing somersaults and kicking each other.

2. What to do at work when you're bored.

3. What people with no social lives do on the weekends.
1. Yea! It's Ninja-time!!!!!

2. Nick got fired for using work for Ninja-time.

3. So me & Julianne are gonna go to the park for Ninja-time on Saturday. Wanna come?
by ShawnTheNinja October 9, 2007
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1. when someone comes completely out of nowhere during a race or any other event.

2. fighting a single person or a group of people like ninja
"That guy was in last place for the race but he just Ninja Attacked us."
by y.cole March 4, 2012
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The descrete and tactical act of taking a large poop in the upper tank of the toilet in someones house you really fuckin hate. No matter how much you flush or spray deodorizor..that stank aint going away.
This party sucks, im gonna ninja bomb it and head on out. See ya.
by Gdaiv747 September 16, 2019
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a hot chick with ninja like moves and the sexual prowlness of a puma
dude you see that puma over there? you mean the one standing right behind you.. whoah! puma ninja
by redickulos April 24, 2011
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