A driver who goes the exact speed limit, and not any faster.
Oh great looks like we’re stuck behind a speed limit Larry
by Goldendust September 19, 2023
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When driving you go an extra 20mph over the speed limit because you really have to poop
I was turtle-heading so I had to go the poo-limit.
by Satch Jenkins August 5, 2018
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It’s just a dream, get over it, u see It on tv, this thing don’t exist..
Julia: Heyyyy! I got a limitless credit card
Me: credit card with no limits don’t exist mi gurl :( get over it, ur not cool, it’s really not that deep.
by M0thyzxx x3 🍓🐾🌺 July 2, 2022
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Spending all the money in your wallet and spending it on food with your buddies!!! Or ordering everything off the dollar menu for yourself!!!
Lalo, Jesse, Bucky, and Tury are always taking it the the limit at Chicos Tacos!!!

Lalo is always taking it to the limit at Mc Donalds!!!
by Geraldo Gutierrez April 30, 2007
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When you so high/drunk you don’t feel it anymore, you’re back to feeling sober.
ogs on zero point
“Damn straight im on zero point rn”
“He reached zero point fr”
“Im so high im on zero point limit, feel sober rn”
by off3yercsrn November 5, 2023
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The acceptable length of a message being sent via Blackberry defined by three strokes of the thumb while scrolling.
"Did you get Mike's rambling email last night? I stop reading after the first five paragraphs. I have a strict three-stroke limit when it comes to reading mail on my Blackberry."
by coining buttress September 22, 2011
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This is the point where a relatively serious person suddenly goes over the edge to a laughing person. It can be brought on by a joke or a situation, and it doesn't require any prompting although previous jokes increase the chance of breaking the laugh limit.
John was being very serious about his financial situation until he saw a very funny political video, and then suddenly he broke the laugh limit. Then he was laughing so hard that he almost cried.
by Chris Doc October 19, 2009
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