slang for friend, buddy, nigga
you know dat nigga?
yea dats ma boy

wut you up to later?
chillin wit my boy
by Jack PP May 20, 2007
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a lesbian who is a bit femme, usually pretty hot, androygenous and slightly boyish looking. typically will have a unique hair cut, tight jeans, converses, possibly a facial piercing, lots of eyeliner, and various types of tops (tight t-shirt, maybe a button down long sleeve, etc)
"She is my boi! I love her so much :)"
by Budddddy May 22, 2006
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1) In the bdsm arena: boi means a butch who is submissive or a sexual bottom.

2) In the butch-femme arena: boi means a chronologically/behaviorally young butch.
1) As a domme, my preference is for bois.

2) She still likes Tonka trucks and Hot Wheels, she is such a boi.
by MsWorthy March 1, 2004
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male with small dicks who body shame women for fun say “your gay” as a insult and think the LGBTQ+ community is fun to make fun of think about raping women and make rape jokes
“The boys and me knew it was a joke
by MelsBabe November 29, 2020
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An affectionate term for your boyfriend. Used in the 'Belle De Jour' book, prior to implementation in real life.
Flo: How are you getting home to your gaff?
Maz: The Boy is picking me up at 7.
by Maz+Flo September 1, 2005
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Homer's main reference to Bart, even when speaking to Bart.
<Homer> Boy, clean your room.

<Homer> It wasn't me, it was the boy.
by B-Drac September 9, 2003
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