A josh is cool but a josh beal is just too much he will eat all your food and fuck your mom he had no table manners should just eat with the dog he treats girls like animals and has no idea how to have nice hair he has greasy hair….
Oh no josh beal is here bud your moms
by Lerken69 May 28, 2022
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The absolute pakitron(also known as lebomb) he will blow u up like hes bin laden.
Also his mum is fucking leng not a fan of mr johnson though.
"Pakitron josh simmons will blow u up"
by Pakitron5000 November 24, 2021
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On the 11th of October anyone named Josh can be made fun of mercilessly without repercussions.
PSA: Tomorrow is Make Fun of Josh day. Everyone is required to bully Josh in UCI Gen or face legal ramifications for not adhering to the tradition.
by AmogusBalls October 8, 2023
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Josh Diaz is a Chimera from the tv show Teen Wolf, he is part Kitsune and part Wendigo. He was created by the Dread Doctors and later killed by Theo, he was addicted to drugs and loved to party. He is evil, but low-key a precious cinnamon roll.
Aw, man, too bad Josh Diaz died. He was my favorite Chimera!
by Jay878787 August 1, 2017
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Josh is fat and he drinks a lot of choccy milk also he is very lazy
by KOALACOCK December 1, 2015
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A josh Mebrat is someone who doesn't bark like a dog when he is told to. Some say this has caused him to be a massive pussy;cat.

He is black.
'Oh he's such a josh Mebrat he doesn't even go here'
by Jcjm20 July 25, 2017
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One bad ass motherfucker that drives around in a blue evo and great at sex no matter how small his fuck is
by pussy destroyer 12 32 March 12, 2017
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