Zits that are found in the mustach of a teen
Person 1 "hey check out my stach"
Person 2 "more like a Zit Stach"
Person 1 "...you forgot poland"
by Hi i'm Ted December 24, 2008
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Originally made famous by a man named Jason, the Kool Aid Stache is when a person's lips become so chapped that they turn red and dry, while still growing a mustache over the top, giving it a redish tint.
Wow, is that Jason rocking the Kool Aid Stache again?
by J.Stache for President March 26, 2007
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a flimsy moustache often seen on teenagers who cannot grow a real moustache, but attempt to anyway. seen in abundance during no shave november in middle schools.

looks like a much thinner version of the moustache sported by pedro sanchez in napoleon dynamite
Example #1
( ignorant middle schooler) dude are you gonna do no shave november? all of the upperclassmen are
(realistic middle schooler) don't be stupid we both know that the best we can do is a pedro sanchez stache.

Example #2
middle schooler 1: dude i didnt shave almost the entire summer, check out my bad-ass moustache!
middle schooler 2: you look like the biggest idiot i've ever seen. go shave off that pedro sanchez stache right now before you lose every one of your friends
by LeTacoGrande November 29, 2009
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When a girl presents her face for you to nut on and you get her upper lip and spread it into the shape of a milk mustache with your penis
I gave her a Milwaukee Milk 'Stache then totally passed out!
by captainviking July 24, 2009
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A moustache, but repronounced very stylish by steven n. Nathan is a homo
Holy poopy buns, Kyle's meow stache is very lucious
by Mr. "x" May 23, 2004
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some have heard of the trash stache. its a trash stache literally on your ass.
sorry man i can't go out tonight, i have to shave my trash stache ass.
by bitch basket fagola January 31, 2010
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A full thick bushed mustache created my munching on a black fat bitches pussy.
Jimmy got a Mexi-stache last night from having a sweaty night with a negro.
by Jsilly10 March 7, 2011
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