The hour in video games where Japanese players are the most active. Expect to get absolutely destroyed by players who are 10x above your skill level.
Friend 1: "Man, we're getting absolutely destroyed by the enemy team every game now!"
Friend 2: "It's more than likely Japan 'o Clock at the moment."
by MysticTactician May 14, 2022
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A less offensive word to use for the Japanese Empire
Oh no, No-no Japan is back to fighting China.
by Ena slay April 14, 2022
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The act of hanging out in Tokyo, Japan simply to try to find an extremely attractive Japanese man or woman. This would include, but is not limited to, hanging out in arcades, candy stores, night clubs, sake bars, ramen houses, out side of high schools and colleges.
Ashley: Hey I'm thinkin' about jetting out to Tokyo this weekend to go Japaning. You down?

Britt: Definitely! I'm always up for a new hot Japanese guy!

*high fives*
by AshKupKake August 25, 2010
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When an angler catches a nice bass and holds it out towards the camera as far away from his body as he or she can stretch. All while grinning from ear to ear. Related to the "long-arm" but entirely different.
That guy on social media always does a Japan pose when he catches a bass.
by Countryboybaits April 24, 2020
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From N' Yael's song called Bitch in Japan. Name of a lady who got skipped, despite being perfect.
Jennifer was the love of my live but I always put my goals first. She was my bitch in Japan.
by weknowwords July 6, 2017
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When you buy "black paint" from Japan when in reality it's just a bucket of soy sauce.
Dude 1: "Bro, your house smells weird."
Dude 2: "Yeah. I know."
Dude 1: "Don't tell me you got black paint from Japan!"
Dude 2: "At least you can dip sushi in it..."
by thehottestofdogs April 17, 2019
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