1. To make inflammatory comments on the internet for the purpose of starting controversy and gauging people's reactions.

2. What idiots say they were doing when they make an uneducated remark that is quickly discredited.
1. Troll: Halo invented the FPS video game genre!
Non-asshole: Shut up, you troll.

2. Will: Nixon was the best president of all time!
Michael: No he wasn't. Haven't you heard of Watergate or the Controlled Substances Act?
Will: ...oh, I'm just trolling.
by Richard Milhous Nixon July 28, 2009
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When in fishing, 'trolling' is where a fisher slowly meanders a lake with bait in the water hoping to attract a fish to bite. On the internet, one can go 'trolling for' some sort of response, or activity.

Sometimes you hit someone up for sex, and that's called trolling for dick.
Bro 1 "Yo, the other night on Facebook some guy messaged me to play pool."
Bro 2 "Awww man, that's awesome, did you go? "
Bro 1 "Naw man, I didn't. Turns out he didn't wanna play pool after all, he gave me a bj because we was just trolling for dick."
by Jamesknapper January 18, 2017
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When you're so bored that you go on to mormon.com and ask them how erasers work.
Person: Hey, I have a question.
Mormon: Yes?
Person: How do erasers work?
Mormon: Why are you trolling us?
by Moozels December 30, 2011
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Definition To this Requires Urban Dictionary Gold Account
Example of trolling requires a Urban Dictionary Gold Account
by Indie Rae October 11, 2011
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A person who posts things on some online community setting that are designed to purposefully assault and offend large numbers of people for no reason other than the Troll's bias against them, hatred for them or personal amusement at annoying them.
Guy 1: Have you been on Encyclopaedia Dramatica?
Guy 2: No!! That place is for Trolls!!
Guy 1: Ah. I see what you mean.
by Jack Lamarr May 24, 2009
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you know that douche-bag under the bridge that wouldn't let people through? well trolling emulates that. also the world is flat and aliens account for all the unexplained things, like gravity. trolling is the one true path to seeing past all the education that's supposed to help us. i mean come on, what the fuck is up with the concept of money?! if i give you one paper money, i should get one paper money back. so if i give you paper with Abe on it, i expect any other celebrity (Abe Lincoln is secretly a singer). i think i like George Washington the best though. don't go and like try to spread this truth. seriously, don't... unless your a ginger with soul... but that's impossible cuz gingers have no soul. trolling is the noble art. don't abuse it, kinda like you shouldn't abuse hookers.
Abraham troll trolling trololololol money cole munging dirty sanchez soul souless ginger lincoln washington paper fuck hookers gravity truth bridge aliens world education screw you george douche douchebag
by smurfkiller1234 March 20, 2012
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Posting rude and distasteful comments, sometimes for the purpose of a reaction and other times not. Either way it is malicious and whether it is intended or not can have serious consequences. Those who troll will laugh at that, but trolling fosters an environment that leads to more serious abuse also known as cyberbullying where lines are crossed which should never, ever be--like encouraging someone who is suicidal to commit suicide. This is bad humor, and while in your virtual reality it may be funny, in actual reality it's not. It's time to grow up.
See YouTube.com for endless examples of trolling.
by ehenry November 13, 2012
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