A cute, rather attractive lady who is addicted to cherry condoms just like 2pac is addicted to weed. She normally has nice boobs, and is horny. She only uses cherry condoms so if ur out of them, she'll go unprotected. This resulted in 14 babies, all named Olivia.
wowww she is such a Sophie, i cant believe she ate those cherry condoms for desert. sophie likes strawberry too
by thats wats up cracker March 18, 2009
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(this is my opinion for 8 Sophie's i know)
A bossy female that wants her own way all the time. She will try to get as many bitches on her side as she can to back her up. She tends to talk behind peoples backs and blames others. Sometimes you find them tom-boys. :P
Harry - Theres that Sophie again bitching off to other chicks.

Travis - eh, she's a Sophie.....

Simon - fuck, that Sophie girl is coming, don't want to deal with her :/
by Epic_run♥ January 13, 2012
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Sophie is the kind of girl who loves to whip her hair back and forth, when you bend over sophie will be there to slap you.
Oh no, i just pulled a sophie!
by Foulreeks April 11, 2012
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The word Sophie mean so much but the best words are dumb, stupid, and just all around bitch so when you think of Sophie know that she is not someone you want to be friends with
Gosh look at how dumb Sophie looks
by The boy from the hills April 7, 2018
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The most cutest girl you will meet she is beautiful and funny.
WOW Sophie just asked me out
by Pro gamers 123 July 13, 2017
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If you ever find yourself to meet a sophie you will realize she’s is perfect in every way possible. Although she is shy when you first meet her, but becomes this wonderfully, funny, and amazing girl that you always want to be around because she makes you happier and a better person in every single way. If you find yourself lucky enough to date a sophie make sure she always stays in your life because you will regret it for the rest of your life if she slips away
Bro sophie makes me so happy
by Balambrecht March 11, 2018
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a whore that has sex with every one she meets. mostly always a blonde and a slut. never smart or hot. but dates and has sex with bens and pens!!!Always has oral sex and anal sex but also enjoys a good fucking/tounging
girl 1: you are such a sophie
girl 2: oh, you whore, bitch.
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