To sell drugs.
Or to ask someone to sell you drugs.
Matt: K dudes, i gotta peace. Im going out Rocking.


Gerry: Yo Matt, you rocking?
Matt: Yee, what ya need?
Gerry: Half-Quarter of Ganja.
by Luccini October 2, 2007
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A genre of music stolen from blacks by whites. Ranges from the great, (The Beatles, Stones, Zepplin) to the horrid such as metal (guttural moans and mindless powerchords), emo (whiny bitch music), and punk (gotta love feedback and grossly detuned guitars!) Don't even get me started on shit that was made within the last ten years! (Pop Punk, Nu-metal, rap-metal, etc.) All-in-all, a decent genre that lost a lot after the 70's
by jimmyjohnbillybobjones November 21, 2004
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An overused symbol that basically denotes something is cool. Some show it by doing the hand motion: a pinky and pointer finger straight out, and the other three fingers held down.
Some freak: I found $5 on the street the other day.
Another freak: Really? Rock on! *stupid hand motion*
by Vicious Riot June 22, 2003
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Rocking: the art of stuffing your bra, but doing so in the most terrible fashion that it appears rocks are bulging out of your shirt, hence the term, "rocking."
Megan Fox was rocking her shirt at the AMA Golden Awards.
by A. Travis February 17, 2014
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Someone that is as cool and funny as Helen Aldaco.
by Si October 8, 2004
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Yo, quit rockin' my shit and get your own style.
by John November 28, 2003
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