A punk ass whom is a total mother fucker and acts like a Bitch.
I hate that punk ass bitch mother fucker!!

That punk ass bitch motherfucker is goin' downa shore again?!?!
by Joe UsedtoSkate August 10, 2006
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A kind greeting said by someone who has worked at a rice field for a very long time. This greeting is typically a traditional way to greet a new worker/employee.
New worker: Nice to meet you. I'm going to be working here from now on.
Veteran worker: Welcome to the rice field mother fucker.
by Great Guppy September 6, 2015
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term of endearment used by coach Evans when refering to his receivers. Also an insult towards any asshole who brings misfortune upon you. Great for road rage.
I cant beleive you pissed all over my mom's bathrobe you small dick weisel mother fucker!!!
by -Hammer February 28, 2005
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This word is used to describe a situation where one hurts themselves badly and the use of more than one swear word is required.
Friend #1: Man, did u just see Johnny fall and eat $hit off his skateboard after he missed the railing?!?

Friend #2: Ya, I did he looked like he ate it hard!

Johnny: Cunt Bitch Whore Mother Fucker !!! That fall hurt!
by *Fallen Angel* January 6, 2016
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The jock that dropped out of high school.
The guy that beat you up and got all the pussy for no apparent reason.A dominant asshole.
also known as A (dmmmf)pronounced "dimf"
dude1:remember that guy derf that always picked on us in high school.
by hell spawn September 23, 2007
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