World Of Warcraft - A game where fiction becomes insanity;
What I don't understand is the following:
Half the worlds population play this game online and have no lives. The other half appears to be on Urban Dictionary bashing them. At least those that play the game have a reason to be retarded vs those that are creating scenarios about their gfs dumping them, or losing their jobs, or not getting an education or making money.
And now thanks to all those hurting ppl in the world Of Warcraft, because of you I BECAME ONE MYSELF wasting my time and life and energy writing this definition. World Of Warcrap - To everyone on this site...Go Get Laid!

World Of Warcraft - You Are All Hurting
by Antoine Gigalo March 4, 2008
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An online game enjoyed by millions.

There are 3 types of people in the world.. those that play warcraft, those that have never heard of warcraft and those that know someone who plays warcraft.

Those that play: Have online friends from all over the world and often play Warcraft to escape their nagging partners, disgusting room mates and boring friends.

Those that have never heard of warcraft: Usualy spend all their time partying and wasting money on beer

Those that know someone who plays Warcraft: Resent the fact that a game is more appealing than they are and will try ANYTHING to get the player away from the computer because "they need a real life"

There are millions of "warcraft widows" that would like to see their partners stop playing so they can go and sit and watch endless hours of tv, soaps and x-factor with them instead, not realising the irony of this. Think about it... If YOU were more appealing then the game would take 2nd place.

Partners should consider themselves lucky that they know where their Warcraft playing partner is ;)
I don't need to get a life, I play Warcraft, I have lots of lives.

warcraft widow: "oh my husband plays on that silly game for 5 hours a day! Why can't he just come and sit with me to watch Reality tv, soaps and take up knitting!"
by Imzadi Hunter November 2, 2010
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yet another game where more men play than women and the men that do play, use female avatars and often confuse other players with genders.
World of Warcraft player 1: "Hey, you're a good lookin priest, nice dress."
WoW Player 2: "Thanks, it matches my hair and tatooes."
WoW Player 1: "So hey, wanna go get killed in Naxx?"
WoW player 2: "Na, I can't. My girlfriend's commin over for a movie."
WoW player 1: " you're a dude? Playing a chick toon?"
by KittyKat Tenyo April 13, 2009
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Girls: If your boyfriend likes this game.... RuN!!! Don't accept being second in his life. Those who have been there know what I mean. Way to addictive.
Because of World of Warcraft, my boyfriend and I got in a huge fight.
by Rachel19 August 27, 2007
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The latest gaming atrocity produced by the infamously uncreative and consumer-unfriendly Blizzard, in which you play as a character in a massive and oftentimes lag-ridden world, performing endlessly redundant quests time and again in hopes that you'll achieve that elusive 'Level 60', where the game supposedly actually becomes fun. You have several races and classes to choose from in a ridiculously unbalanced classful character development scheme, but regardless of what class you choose, you will inevitably be outdone by the also infamous race-class combination, 'Tauren-Shaman'. Not unlike Blizzard's by-gone hit Diablo 2, you will also spend endless amounts of time looking for the best gear in the game, due mostly to the fact that this game, like most games of its kind, is gear and level centric, as opposed to being based upon skill. A very weak strategic element is present as well that few players seem to be capable of wrapping their brains around, in spite of the fact that there are step-by-step guides to every quest for every class available online. It is also worth noting that players must pay a monthy fee of fifteen dollars in order to play this terrible, bug ridden game. (Fifteen dollars isn't much, but the author of this definition wouldn't pay fifteen cents to waste any span of time playing World of Warcraft.) Also bear in mind that the game frequently suffers 'exploits'; bugs in the game that players utilize to quickly gather money and resources, or to quickly defeat opponents. Taking advantage of an exploit of any kind - including standing on the roof to avoid monster attacks, European servers only, and engaging in the active harvesting of money and valuable objects, also known as 'gold farming' - may result in an unconditional ban. Contesting said bans will result in a slap to the face. In other words, World of Warcraft and its success are both proof that gamers today have absolutely no taste.
"World of Warcraft sucks. Go play a real RPG, like Nethack or Rogue."
by Wonderbread72nd July 7, 2005
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A collection of homofucks from all over the world that say "Apparently this blah blah blah, and apparently that" USING THE FUCKING WORD APPARENTLY TO MUCH.
Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick Enclave is gay they love dick
by Cockboy February 14, 2005
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A MMORPG that is compared against every other MMMORPG is existance.
n00b: "Hey, check out this this new MMORPG, it's better than World of Warcraft."
n00b2: "This free MMO is much better than WoW"
by Alex225 February 4, 2008
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