1. The almighty ruler and grand poobah of anything that ever was, is, and ever will be toast and/or toasty.

2. a person who replaces any given word with the word "toast" or its subsidiaries.
1. I rule you beacuse I am the Overlord of Toast!

2a. Go toast yourself.
2b. "How are you today?" "I'm quite toasty, how are you?"
2c. Shut the toast up you mothertoaster!
by Toasty November 28, 2004
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A British man named James, that we would love to drip honey all over.
I want some Toast
by Pandora October 9, 2003
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To reach a level of intoxication where memory is lost of any event which occurred that night...leading you to believe that the only way the event was possible is if a ghost was there in place of you.

A lower level of being McGhosted is to be "toasted" or "semi-ghosted."

See also: ghosting, McGhosting, toasting McGhosting, toasty McGhosty

Pronunciation: meh-ghost or mah-ghost
"How did you forget about that? Everybody was doing it..You must have been toast McGhost."

"I just got fired from my job today...tonight..I'm getting toast McGhost."

"Tonight we're getting McGhosted."

"You're toast..but I don't think you're at McGhost status yet."

"Wow, you're already ghosting after two shots?"

"OK, time to stop for a while..You're looking toasty McGhosty."
by stay bEastly my friends. August 17, 2009
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irsh punk band

check em out, there pretty awesome
beanz on toast songs: burn the envelopes, fucked up situation, pak-man
by fayexthexemo September 6, 2008
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me: yo dude, wanna toast the ghost this weekend?
dude: hell yeah man!

by joe_420 March 5, 2009
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When a male, suddenly pops a raging hard on, and has an urge to have anal sex with his toaster
Jacob: Damn, Brandon just popped toast
Alex: ya hes a freak, hes super freaky
by The Fapmaster August 16, 2011
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When making French toast and making it red with food coloring so it looks grim
by Geinstein June 11, 2018
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