When one ejaculates from some kind of sexual stimuli experienced in a dream...or really erotic nightmare. Caused from lack of masturbation.
Date: 7 years ago
Time: 4:44am
Location: Some dream

"Oh, Lois Lane. You can interview me any day of the week. ::wakes up:: Huh?! Wha?!? It happened again..."

"I haven't had a wet dream in 7 years."
by desperryado October 4, 2005
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When you have sex Avatar style. Ejaculating to an imagined incredible sexual experience, while your actual body lays sweaty in a cocoon like state.
"Dude, i had a "wet dream" about your mom last night"
"Friday is the 4th anniversary of her car accident"
"yeah, you wanna go to wing street?"

"wet dream"
by m. Stephen November 18, 2010
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1.When you are in your teenage years and are going through puberty your penis experiments and while you are sleeping will get sexually excited and start to release semen.

2.Are often perceived by retarts as the term to having wet their pants.. while they sleep....
1.Louis is having a wet dream because his penis is vertically bisecting his body and there is semen erupting from his penis.

2.retart 1: (whispers to retart 2) hey i just had a wet dream last night.
retart 2: same!! i have wet dreams everyday and i make my mom clean me up!
randomdudepassingby: (seeing the two 8 year olds) wtf....?
by XXX__ICU__XXX July 18, 2006
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A dream about being out of the lake, fishing, and drinking some beer.
“I had a wet dream, just me and my dingy out on the water
by Lilbrat_5 August 13, 2021
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When a male cums in his sleep.
"last night i had a wet dream, thinking about Katie Price ON my Knob!
by Innes90 January 2, 2007
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dreaming about someone who you like and lettin go of the semen
Joe was all sweaty and was havin wet dreams.
by ghettojaymn8897 November 11, 2004
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Bruh, I had a dream that I had sex with a hottie and I got a wet dream

Eww what the hell dude?
by Kidswillbekids May 29, 2019
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