A person who supports Donald Trump. Tends to be racist, transphobic, homophobic, pro-guns, pro-life, etc.
Chad - I love Donald Trump!
Nina: Okay weird Trumpie.
by urdadsboyfriend June 19, 2020
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"Trumpie" can be used to describe someone who is not aware of the struggles that minorities face on a daily basis, or is aware of them but does not care. They may be homophobic, racist and/or sexist. Most likely a Trump supporter.
Trumpie: That guy is a disgusting f*gg*t.
Person: Dude, you're a trumpie? Get away from me.
by Melanija Knavs October 21, 2017
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A derogatory name for a person who violently supports (former) "president" D. Trump
Person 1: *looking at news* God damn them trumpies are at it again
Person 2: what they doin this time
Person 1: destroying random official government buildings
Person 2: aww they did that last week do they ever do anything interesting?
Person 1: naw just the same thing over and over again...
by that_nigga_on_wall_street January 19, 2021
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A person who is willing to suck Donald trumps dick for the amount of times they screamed his name for the past 4 years.
trumpie: Trump 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣
me: no
by daddywifuobama December 14, 2020
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An alien from the MST3K classic, Pod People. The movie has nothing to do with pods, nothing to do with people, and EVERYTHING to do with PAIN.

Trumpy is an Alf-like alien with an evil cousin/mother/relative that goes around killing people. Trumpy, bless his little soul, is content with entertaining young children with cruddy stop-motion animation, a magic "Simon Says" game, and magic telescopes that feature stock footage, I mean, animals from the savannah. He also enjoys potatoes very much.

Trumpy is a classic cinema character in the world of MST3K, bested only by Rowsdower and Torgo.
Trumpy, you can do stupid things!
by ElfLad March 19, 2005
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someone who religiously praises a small-brained orange, racist, homophobic, ableist, rich, non tax payer dickhead
(1) hey look! there’s a trumpie over there.
(2) ew, how could you live knowing you support him
by thatgurl22 July 17, 2021
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Tr*mp supporter. An annoying, homophobic racist and toxic a$$.
I support Donald Trump!
You are a trumpie! GET OUT OF ME! YIKES!
by Echimel January 16, 2021
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