To grab and fondle ones junk like a raccoon trying to grab food.
I’m gunna go home and trash panda my junk while guardians of the galaxy.
by nckfrmn231 December 28, 2017
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In similarity to the DADS, a type of continual excreting of feces the day after consuming a various array of food and alcoholic beverages. Most commonly occurring after holidays, large gatherings, or weddings. The particular odor being akin to Trash.
noun; “I’ve got a case of theTrash Pandas”.
Verb; “Have you been “Trash Panda-ing” all day?
by Alvabenz December 6, 2018
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When something is really Wack or Bad
"Yooo Bro your t-shirt is Trash Panda"

"Dude That was sooo Trash Panda
by Your_Mom_69420 October 16, 2020
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Someone who’s house looks like the city dump and they have to rummage through trash to find anything.
Look at her house! She’s such a trash panda
by NachoBusiness3 May 23, 2023
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Another variant of "coon", much less known about and rarely used.

Can also be a discriminatory comment about the homeless' immense need for food.
You fucking Trash Panda!

Lmao that guy is a Trash Panda.
by That1GuyThatUSawThat1Time January 21, 2023
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