To challenge someone to a fight and/ or intimidate them.

Usually joking, but can also be used in serious times.
Someone bumbs into you in the mall
You say "Try me out pal"
They say "ahh crap, this guy means business. I'm out of here"
You say "yeeee"
by howyoudo April 2, 2010
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You busted his pelvis!
You cracked his buttocks!
Try me again
by Figging May 6, 2019
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Every Tuesday: say try me bitch to everyone that’s messin wit you.
Bella: What’s today?
Hannah: It’s Tuesday, you know what that means.
Bella: Try Me Bitch Tuesday!
by tmbt.creator December 11, 2018
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Kyra who is a bitch that won't try me. SO TRY ME KYRA!!!!!

Girl 1: That girl is a total Kyra.
by My cat is coco April 10, 2017
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Daring someone to step up to someone ( trying them up like a sac).

Daring someone to get in your face
Shyanne better quit runnining her mouth about me....try me up like a sac
by Trymeup August 17, 2017
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When you are angry or annoyed with someone or something
DEY TRY ME OHH with their attitude
by Ghetto GYAL with a GYATT October 20, 2023
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