A person who travels behind a group of populaire people trying to fit in. Often the group is aware and tries to cut the person off of all conversation. Also many time the group may be to polite to express their hatred for this person who was never invited.
F***, thomas has been walking behind us trying to hang out with us for teh longest time, he is such follower.
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Usually this person will do anything to impress people, as pathetic as that is. Often, this person will post selfies on snapchat, post Instagram photos twice a week, and even wear joggers. You can find this person editing his selfies using a specific app and than using that picture as his profile picture.
Bro, I just took this sick ass selfie and I used this cool asl app to make it look even better how much of a follower am I?
by 162534 May 25, 2015
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Follow on - the result of shitting ones self after trying to push out one last fart

Dave: dude you stink and what the f#ck is that on the back of your jeans?

Sid: Sorry man I failed to avoid the follow on!
by mitchb1 October 29, 2007
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A horror movie about a sexually transmitted ghost that can take the form of anyone or anything it wants. It tries to kill you if you were the last person to receive it. Once the stg (sexually transmitted ghost) kills you it will go after the person who gave it to you then the person who gave it to them and so on and so on.
Person 1: It Follows was so scary they should use it in health class to teach about STD's.

Person 2: I never want to have unprotected sex ever again because a ghost will kill me.
by Lee Chandler February 18, 2018
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When you have to follow a damn train.
by GroveStreet4Life February 4, 2021
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Typically someone who, in all the most subtle ways, tries desperately to fit into a certain group of friends. Trying to literally force themselves into a social situation that they simply don't have the social skills for. Usually if the group of friends is in one room and most of the group moves to a different room/table/spot etc. the follower gets up and lingers behind them, usually not knowing where everyone is even going or why. They always follow what everyone is doing but never make any planes for themselves and invite other people along. Followers can also be referred to as Tag-alongs.

When around the group that the Follow is following they are usually left out of the conversation, or the conversation itself usually consist of a topic that they know nothing about so most of the time they sit there with a group of "friends" and say absolutely nothing while pretending to laugh at the inside jokes to which they don't even understand. Some times they'll add their two cents in to the convo but usually that leads to awkward silence followed be an immediate change in subject or they just say something stupid and the rest of the group has to politely ignore it. Most of the time the Follower will barge in any of their conversations with a "What?" or "What are you guys talking about?" and "What’s that?" usually the only things they contribute to the groups convo since they don’t know what the hell anybody is talking about in the group they are trying so hard to fit in with.

The usual people who end up as followers are Dorks attempting to be cool, Posers, Scene kids, and sometimes teens trying to hang out with groups far above their age and maturity level. Sometimes they just simply don’t have the social skills to keep up with the rest of the group.

Aside from barely, if ever at all, being able to contribute to the group’s conversation they usually have absolutely NOTHING to contribute. They never come up with ideas to go anywhere or do anything with the rest of the people they are following... they just follow. If they do come up with something, chances are its going to be something nobody in the group is into.

As members of the group, one after another, disband to go home and call it a day the follower usually waits until its just the follower and the last person of the group and ask "So what do we do now." to which the last member the group will reply "Well <i>I'm</i> going home." and the follow will either say

"Uh... okay well uh... I'll call you tomorrow and see what you guys are up to!"


"Well... CAN I COME TOO!!!"

The latter usually being the typical response.

Unfortunately followers are like bad ex-boy/girlfriends that are still clinging on to you.... they can't take a hint that nobody really wants them around and to just fuck off.

The only way to get rid of a follower tailing your group of friends is to forget about the politeness and tell them straight up, "WE ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS STOP TRYING TO HANG OUT WITH US!" Any other way less direct and in your face than that and the follower will not take the hint, instead they will just ignore you while still following the group you reside in.
Group of friends: Dude a Z28 will smoke a SVT-Cobra anyday!

Group of friends: No way dude! the SVT's supercharged! Ford Mustang all the way!

Follower: HAHHAHA like, yeah but a Helichopper will beat both those cars!!!111!1one!!

Group of friends: ...

Group of Friends: ...So anyway, the movie starts at 2pm guys, we need to find a ride.

Follower: O RLY!?! What movie!!!?!

Group of friends: ...Terminator.

Follower: OOH YEAAAH!! The one coming out with all the hot girls and special powers. I heard that movie rOX!!

Group of friends: No dude... thats not the right movie....

Follower: Oh uh HAHAH! well it should be cool anyway, I better get me a ticket too, did you guys say 2pm?

group of Friends: *Sigh* >_>
Group of Friends: *Talks amongst each other for a good hour*

Follower: *Stands next to them the whole time remaining silent while staring at everyone talking.*
by L/z August 22, 2009
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Same as a wannabe. They do whatever it takes to fit in and brownnose. They are everywhere. Just look out for them an avoid them.
Yo that fool ain’t with it he is a follower not a leader. He can’t hang.
by BigPimppin6906 November 23, 2017
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