misuse of anyway, never the less, an excuse to change topics, fuck off mofo
male:hey there seksy sugar!
male:(well at least she didn't slap me)
bitch:anyways, before i bitch slap yo ass back to yo mo's
male:well why don't you just anyways yourself!
by shitastic October 11, 2004
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A very useful expression summing up "ok enough of that subject let's move on" in one word
A: How was your day?
B: Pretty shitty, my gf dumped me. Anyway. What about you?
by MajesT April 21, 2017
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um... basically just a cooler and better version of the word anyway.
Sonja is so unbelievably awesome, smart and pretty. Anyways I really, really, really like Sonja a lot.
by Um…. definitely not mark? January 10, 2005
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anyways is what i said when there was more than one anyway.
by me November 28, 2003
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Said when there is nothing left to say.
Person 1: "I Like hot pink, It's such a nice colour"

Person 2: "anyways..." *Person two then walks away*

Person 1: "what did I say?"
by FloatingGrapefruit July 17, 2023
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A word used by the headboy to avoid or change the topic in order to prevent his real feelings from coming out.
Used to stop the conversation from getting into deep topics
Why do you feel that way?
I donno, i just, anyways.
by lillyvodka April 7, 2020
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A term used by Native Canadians as punctuation.
by mbh September 23, 2003
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