A rip off of Faith's "five by five" slogan. Often used by an extreme Buffy fangirl.
Kirsty: How are you?!
Jenelle: Pfft, six by six.
by Purifico June 17, 2004
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A huge ass wang!

A piece of wood, similar to a 2 by 4
Shit dawg! That guy has a six by six!
by Not Chris Kendig June 7, 2004
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in europe we have four by four but in the US they have six by six
by Stef June 14, 2004
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A word describing someone who doesn't know when to stop talking and kills all the jokes within a group. Someone who tends to be oblivious to jokes directed at him and actually took the time to investigate a made up word on urbandictionary.com
Ryan is a classic example of a victim of the epidemic of six eye six.
by Justin bateman April 5, 2009
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Usually used with the measurement unit of feet this describes the area or more precisely the length by the width.

It can often be used when you are multiplying six by six. In this case the answer is thirty six.
Ever hate it the way people always say their dick is six by six? More like 0.06 by 0.06.
by Conor June 15, 2004
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