The frothy mix of personal lubricant, fecal matter, and sometimes semen that can occur as a result of anal sex.
Finally, Joe pulled out, wiping the santorum from his manhood on the grey comforter by accident.
by Graniteman December 5, 2005
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Latin for asshole. "Santorum, that's latin for asshole", is a quote attributed to former Senator Bob Kerrey, three weeks into Rick Santorum's career as a US Senator.
That old man's a total santorum. what a jerk.
by leah j June 16, 2006
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1. the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is often the result of anal sex.
ew.. dude... i cant belive you and ur homo boyfriend just got santorum on my bed... sickk...
by Britt December 24, 2004
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(verb) to make outrageous homophobic statements in order to conceal one's true sexuality.

(noun) one who santorums.
Jeff: Yo man did Mike tell you he hooked up with 3 chicks last night?
Chris: He told me five. Are you sure he's not just a Santorum?
by angry Christian January 10, 2012
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The frothy mix of lubricant, semen and fecal matter that is the byproduct of anal sex.
You should wipe that Santorum up before it stains those sheets.
by Gofa Cureself April 27, 2021
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The act of being Santorum, which may or may not include incest, homosexuality, or "man-on-dog." Popularized by PA Senator Rick Santorum's comments liking homosexuality to bestiality.
I santorumized my neighbor's dog last week.
by Jim August 1, 2003
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