When there is something you had wanted to, planed, or needed to do, but against your better judgement, you spent the time materbating.
I was going to use my only free time today making an Urban Dictionary entry, but all I inevitably did was Procrasterbate.
by Jeo58 August 13, 2008
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Masturbating when there are important things to be done, or deadlines to meet.
I didn't finish my report because I was procrasterbating.
by Uh...Fred? November 12, 2011
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The art of masterbating for excessive amounts of time without ejaculating.;
Edging for a ridiculous long time ;
Jacking off and delaying your climax to the point you lose the ability to;

The cause of "blue balls"
"I have been procrasterbating all day. Now I have blue balls and my nuts are full " fml
by Lauleneke Lukini Brown March 16, 2022
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The development of arthritic symptoms from long, extended hours of procrasterbating. Symptoms deriving usually in the wrists, fingers, hands and feet.
Todd had a knot near his third digit on his right hand, with severe arthritic pain after several several hours of procrasterbating. He was diagnosed with Procrasterbitis and told to use his other hand for a week and sent home!
by The Pimp Named Shamrock February 22, 2011
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Verb to 'procrasterbate'= To masterbate or 'have a wank' to pass the time when you are supposed to carry out another task.
"Hey Dom hows the job-hunting"
"haven't done any yet been procrasterbating over anything remotely sexual all day"
by Dom 'word smith' myers May 5, 2010
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The male art of masturbating when he should be doing work or something a female would do.
Man last night i was procrasterbating and now im all fucked up cus i didnt do my project.
by SEAN K (skimbo) April 26, 2005
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