Contrary to some beliefs, badge is not a secondary word for Vagina, but instead, the anus. It's shortened from 'rusty sheriffs badge'.
'Oi, John, check out the badge on that. Badge, John, Badge'
by Badgeman October 24, 2006
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Adjective to describe something unsatisfactory, bad or just down right shit.
For the more extreme shitness, see biadge

Origin: East London

Person 1: What did u think of that film?
Person 2: Badge.

That shirt is badge.
by Chappelle3000 April 27, 2006
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To remove the badge(s) from an unexpecting car for revenge or fun.
DAMN! Ive been badged
by RoaDKilL teh 1337 March 28, 2005
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a word that describes an attractive woman or her lady parts. It is said that Badge originated from hearing the word "Vag" incorrectly.

It is suitable to be used in the presence of certain company when other words may not be.
Unlike "Vagina", Badge can not apply to ugly or undesirable women, only sexy ones.
"Twelve O'clock, take a look at that bit of Badge!"

"Hey Freddy, how'd you go last night on your date? Did you get any Badge?"

'"How did she look in the light? Still Badge?"
"No unfortunately, she was actually a bit of a Bog-Rat once i could see her properly but i still smashed her"'
by Rexx Danger September 23, 2010
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1. overstated style via clothes and/or accessories.
2. wearing one's ideology on their sleeve.
Nice MC5 shirt... BADGE!
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variation of vag which is short for vagina. commonly used when it is socially unecceptable to say vag or vagina.
Brian: dude this girl showed me her badge last night man!
charlie: no way man thats awesome!
kelsey: what the hell are you guys talking about?
by qeace January 14, 2010
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A female who only dates police officers, fire fighters, or medical personnel. They will use any and all means to lure a badge-wearing civil servant into their home in order to trap the victim in a sexual relationship, and possibly, trick the badge-wearer into becoming the Badge Fucker's baby daddy.

Typically, a Badge Fucker will involve the police, fire brigade, or EMT's in every aspect of her life, without shame. She'll offer discounts at her place of employment, conspicuously play with her children at or near the local police station, even speak in "radio code" around her friends. All in the name of gaining a civil servant as her baby daddy.
Miss Piggy would suck the green off Kermit's cock if he were wearing a badge right now. She's such a Badge Fucker!
by Bigger James Slade June 1, 2012
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