The term Micky derived from the 2020 Los Angeles Lakers title in the Orlando Disney world bubble means dumb luck. Usually said when something that isn’t supposed to happen, happens in a fashion that really makes little sense. It can be used as an adjective or a noun. -Stew III
LeBron is so Micky
by Stew_bud34 December 7, 2021
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An asshole who takes advantage of girls and dumps them the next day. He gets all emo and threatens to kill himself. A complete pussy.
So I took advatage od some chick and dumped her the next day.

you're such a micky! -slaps in face-
by ditzystubbz October 28, 2008
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Dude, when I slid down her bloomers, all I saw was a big wiry micki.
by use2BnAvyKiddiE July 30, 2009
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the term given to people when they roll like a cockblock and try to fuck up people in all bad senses of the word. people who act as such persons are usually given new names such as Walt (after Walt Disney who created Mickey Mouse... the most fucking annoying mutherfucking cartoon EVER... TWICE)
RAWKUS: but, but, but... BUT WHY d man does move soooo MICKY!!!!
Person #2: i dont know but he really moving MICKY as Cunt... i think thats why hes WALT... fucking ass
by Beyenne October 8, 2007
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A word used in Dublin slang, refering to annoying ugly people from Donegal(irish speaking areas especially)/Northern Ireland. Normally homosexuals these people are known to have peircings on there bollocks and are usually in shit bands that nobody has ever heard of. These people migrate to dublin to try and rid them selves of their backward ways of living and try and educate them selves. They can be found spending countless hours trying to feed tubes.
All those mickys are stinking up the classroom or I Hate Micky.
by Sean X Halpin April 7, 2008
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Micky is a personification of the dual personality of an alcoholic, and the repressed childhood trauma that stirred that alcoholism up in the first place.
Their father is a total Micky
by jeff-bezos March 19, 2021
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Micky is one of a kind. He is a mother fucking bitch, He often refers to people as egg head and monkey ears. If u ever have Micky as your friend(watch out).He will fuck u and put his penis in you in your sleep
Micky, Stop calling Callum and egg head?
by Callum Biffen June 12, 2019
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