A 26.2 mile footrace that makes you very pumped up and excited but when you hit miles 19-21 you instantly regret signing up for but when you cross the finish line you get a major runners high
At first I regretted training for the marathon and I wanted to quit but when I finished it, I wanted to do it the next day.
by Nico Suave!! September 21, 2023
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The game company Bungie's first game.
Used in a red vs blue episode. Was also an awsome game.
But Church from red vs blue gets blasted back in time by a 10 megaton bomb, into the game marathon.
computer-Ready to transport.

Church-Ok, lets do it...good bye...computer...you know what, you'd think i would of come up with a name for you in these thousand years.

Gary(computer)-Its Gary, but thanks for asking
by Philip Miller April 24, 2005
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This is basically the concept of running a marathon with your penis. This can either be done solo (lubricant advised) or with a partner. The idea is to gain enough endurance and strength so that you can go a long way in such a small environment.

First we must define what a "marathon" is; a marathon is the longest considered running competition where competitors run 42195 meters. With our penis, this will feel like an eternity. Here we define the formula to find out how many strokes are needed for a complete marathon run. We assume there is no friction and the receiving party is eligible to take in the whole mass and length of the penis.

Strokes needed = 42195000/(penis length(cm)*2)

For example, a penis with a length of 15 cm, will need to stroke (in and out, or for single player experience up and down) for 140650. Since strokes are integers, if your solution is a non-integer number, round up.

Researches are developing in the area of sportive sex acts more and more.
A: Hey girl! You look tired? Didn't you sleep last night?
B: Almost no sleep. C insisted to try for marathoning again.

A: Damn girl! Did he at least finish the run?
B: He achieved a 67% finishing rate this time.
A: I hope you make it to olympics this year.
B: Thank you.
by ohmmmmmmm November 8, 2017
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Playing a video game from start to finish with little or no breaks.
I'm going to marathon Halo 3 when it comes out.

I marathoned Halo 2 over the weekend.
by landpirate36 August 15, 2007
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when one tries to get stoned for the duration of more then 10 hours
yo wanna do a marathon today meet me at 12
by webley November 11, 2005
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A race attempted by a loarge assortment of idiots who lack the coordination or ability to use the basic skill of running in a real sport. Instead they decide to run for hours on end for no apparent reason. Marathons are oftenly described as "fun" by these morons for reasons unknown to the sane part of society. These retards also enjoy the loss of the ability to walk, run, move, fuck, for the 2 days following the Marathon.
Bob: "I'm running the boston Marathon "Jim"
Jim: "How long is it Bob"
Bob: "40 miles"
Jim: "Your a retard Jim"
by Austin Kennedy July 19, 2006
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a.k.a "Running a marathon" or "manathon"

When a group of five or more males masturbate one after another passing lubricant as the baton trying to beat previous records of time or contending groups' records.
J: Hey, do you want to go to the bars tonight?
E: That seems like a good idea, but that's in a while.
J: Should we pre-game?
E: I have a better "game," let's get the boys together and-
J and E: RUN A MARATHON!!!!!
(they high five)
J: I will get the lube!
E: I will forsake my self-respect!
by EriQ May 19, 2008
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