Those douchebags at school whose parents buy them everything their little cold hearts desire. They get all the finer things in life.
"Hey, did you see the Cadillac Tom's parents got him?"

"Yeah. That guy is so spoiled. My parents make me work for what I have. He is such a spoiled rich kid."
by bluntandoffensive October 31, 2013
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A child, who has been born into great fortune, however does not realize it. The child has been pampered his entire life and therefore usually puts themselves ahead of others, later on leads to social problems , and general self-hatred, usually leading to excessive drinking, excessive marijuana use and/or excessive cocaine use in teen years. Usually he or she has lived in a sheltered community, that consists of other rich kids, therefore when confronted with someone lesser of fortune, he or is she is unable to comprehend it, and usually mocking is employed. He or she is also lazy; having never having to worry about receiving anything due to a pampered lifestyle and usually receives failing marks in school. Usually grows up to: 1) spend daddy's money 2)begin a career at daddy's company as a vice-president only to spend the day masturbating like a wild monkey to internet pornography 3) become a bum 4) become a drug addict and/or alcoholic 5) work at McDonalds.
Damn! That kid definitely suffers from Rich Kid Syndrome, he drives 75,000 Mercedes G-500, never has worked a day in his life, and is failing out of school! Screw Reagan!
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Kids that abuse their parents stuff and claim that its theirs.they also think they are the richest people in the universe and can buy anything they want.
Spoiled rich kid can be defined in a sentence like,Lil tay is a spoiled rich kid man

,damn all those rich snapchat kiddos are “spoiled rich kids
by Daiz the isopod May 7, 2018
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One who lives in suburbia, and is rich, they can afford anything they damn please, but are often sheltered and unintelligent. They do not appreciate what they get because they know they can get another toy whenever they please. See dumbass or asshole
by Jamesfont July 18, 2005
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The type of frustration and anger solely found amongst the relatively priveledged. This rage generally has no outside culprit, but rather results from the fact that all people are angry, regardless of if they have an apparent reason to be. To others, it may appear that the rich kid is a whiny, spoiled little fuck, which, while somewhat true, overlooks the fact that rage is an inescapable emotion only loosely related to environment.
I think my parents are horribly uncaring and clearly do not understand me at all as if they did, they would have bought me a Volvo instead of a tacky Mustang. Even more uncaring is my friend who purposely calls when I'm in the shower so that he may avoid having to actually talk to me. Making my life even worse is the fact that I only have 12 Lacoste shirts and that my white North Face jacket turned pink in the wash. In other words, I have some serious rich kid rage!
by lacoste_lover December 30, 2005
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"Rich Kids Club" is a Sunglass company founded by designer/ entrepreneur Philip Nicholas. He also created Trendy Trash

Rich Kids Club reflects the Los Angeles Lifestyle & uber luxury living through Sunglasses
You reside in the country club, we relax at the rich kids club
by Jeepney Dude January 11, 2010
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When a child is born into a family of great riches, living in a fucking big estate. This child tends to act pompous and snotty. Boys with Rich Kid Syndrome tend to act feminine, and are given names such as 'sissy', 'nancy' and 'goodie-two-shoes'. They get about with their limo, escourted by their butler, Jeeves.
I don't know anyone with Rich Kid Syndrome, but if I did I'd knock and run at their house, planting fart-bombs.
by Bastardized Bottomburp July 14, 2003
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