Verb: To shove up one’s own ass
e.g. juck, jucking, jucked
He just jucked my fucking toothbrush what the fuck

This bitch is about to juck a grapefruit what the fuck is going on in this Kmart
by Shlofty September 4, 2022
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A mixture between yuck and junk.
When you're filling your body full of juck food.
by High Fructose Corn Syrup February 28, 2017
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Any sort of sealing device on a bottled beverage. There are various of types and styles of jucks, from that little plastic ring on your milk jug, (jug/juck... coincidence? I think not) to the shrink wrapping on a bottle of yoohoo.
Get that juck off your wang and eat your peas, Billy!
by Cam December 16, 2004
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The verb in which one is on a higher level, surpassing his/her opponent with style and grace. Usually associated with video games. Complete state of Awesomeness.
Damn man, Gabe is jucking you up SO bad.
by Gabriel Dolecal February 22, 2007
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when that 20 year old guy on snapchat is sending you vids of him turning into a wolf and he gets mad at you
For that you asking for penis pic for make juck jokes
by junipers garden May 20, 2022
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It’s like a circle jerk but with head!
Hey Ryan, Brendan, and I are going to do a suckle juck! You interested in joinin??
by Analbarbeque December 11, 2021
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