Tommy: Hey you been fucking Vanilla Ice right?

Caiytlyn: Yeah, when we got down for two hours, he started saying "I'm a sampler".
by Perco April 13, 2007
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fuckin pansy ass washed up gutter trash who ripped off a great queen song and has a hairdo like a backstreet boy
1990:word to your mother
wow your cool
2004:word to your mother
wow your gay
by yoyo December 31, 2005
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A once white rapper, now metal band that sucks.
Vanillca Ice is yummy.
by sad April 11, 2003
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A stupid whigger who was popular only because of his gay song "ice ice baby" which was stolen from the song "Under Pressure". Vanilla Ice also claimed to be from the ghetto so he would have a boost in fame (which backfired on his ass) he is today known as one of the worst rappers ever and has forever given a bad name to white rappers who actually can rap without stealling other artists music (ex. eminem,Beastie Boys, and 3rd Bass)
Vanilla ice is fake like his songs!
by Gay Rights Activist January 6, 2007
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if u like vanilla ice, u will pay the price.
by Deakythediscobean November 9, 2019
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Balless,soulless, spiritless little corporate bitch. His music was mediocre and banal, and it made a mockery of true rap music. He had no talent and yet he was a star. It just goes to show that the great musicians are left out and we are just left with complete shit.
Vanilla was a sucker of satan's cock, along with MC Hammer, Marky Mark, and New Kids On The Block.
by BadLieutenant August 11, 2004
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An idiot white rapper who was popular in the earily 90s but then became the joke he is today. He inspired a bunch of whiggers at many schools.
Vanilla Ice could not rap if it would save his life.
by Anonymous June 23, 2003
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