srsly!? You are so boring. Super generic, you are most likely sitting in class bored and on the computer. You don't know what to search so you search "search google or type URL." whelp, this is what you got. bye!
search google or type URL is what u do when u r bored
by February 13, 2019
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You type this into google whenever you're bored to extinction. I am so bored that I'm typing this and you're so bored that you typed it and found this.
Bob: What the fuck are you doing?
You: Im so bored im typing the Search Google or Type a URL
Bob: Wow, you must really be in a pit of pure boredom
by A lonely alien May 10, 2019
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being bored enough that you feel like there is nothing to do so you search (search google or type a URL)
You feel like you about to die of boredom so you search (search google or type a URL)
Billy-"hey tom i'm bored wanna hang."
Tom-"have you searched (search google or type a URL)."
Billy-"no why."
Tom-"you ain't that bored bro."
by ytdxfcgyuygfchtyigv September 25, 2020
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This is definetly a clear sign that your super bored and don't know what to do with life anymore.
So I'm so bored that I typed Search Google or type a URL. Your really bored and telling the truth if you type this.

Alex: I'm bored.
Me: type "Search Google or type a URL".
Alex: Umm... what?
Me: Be quiet your not bored.
by FaZe_Smash64 September 30, 2020
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If you are searching this congrats! You are officially bored.
Guy 1: Im so fricking bored
Guy 2: Have you ever googled Search Google or type URL?
Guy 1: Uhhh no?
Guy 2: Then shut it you arent really bored
by 56kul September 2, 2019
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the phase we have all been through when we are bored and realising how boring we are
search google or type a url
by dudethisiscrazy38388383 February 19, 2021
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