A form of forward letters that are illegal in real life, so now a bunch of idiots have begun doing it in real life.
I hate those damn chain letters.
by Dude November 26, 2003
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A letter sent either via email or postal mail that usually involves send a certain amount of copies of the letter to people by a cetain date to avoid a bad event.
The chain letter said to make 20 copies and send them to 20 people, and I would have good luck!
by Falconrath October 24, 2003
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Either seen as a death threat, list, or something random to scare or "reward" people, a chain letter is something that many idiots believe in. It is an epidemic on Youtube and Myspace. Usually, middle schoolers and people without friends forward these, but these letters are annoying as hell generally. If it's not a death threat, it says that it will tell you that if you forward it, that you'll have yourself a boyfriend/girlfriend on Friday.
Person 1: Hey! I just reposted this chain letter on Myspace saying that she'll finaly be mine on Friday!
Person 2: Shut up! Myspace isn't going to decide that for you. Grow some balls now.
by Blue Kirby July 23, 2008
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A virally propagated scam, formerly sent entirely through snail mail, but now more frequently sent through email. It operates basically as a pyramid scheme in which the recipient is urged to send a small sum of money to each person on a short list of names and addresses, with the promise that they will receive a lot of money when they rotate their name into the list, and the oldest name off of it, and mail the letter to everyone they know.
Some chain letters try to scam people even further, by instructing them rotate their name into the oldest position, so that the very next recipient will rotate them off of it, so that only the first names and addresses on the list will get any money.
by Downstrike January 29, 2006
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1. A person who you only email when you get one of those "Send this to 200,203 people in 10 minutes or your entire family will suffer fatal heart attacks!" You never email just to chat.
2. One of those "This will happen to you if you don't send this!" people featured in chain letters.
1. Girl 1: Ooh, look! Kevin emailed me!
Girl 2: Don't open it. You're chain letter scum to him.

2. "A girl named Martha Mowdry recieved this chain letter last April and ignored it. The next day, her whole family was killed in a freak plane crash, her house burned down, and she was diagnosed with kidney disease." In this situation, Martha Mowdry is "chain letter scum".
by PLost June 4, 2005
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It is a really annoying chain letter that goes a little something like this:
In 1945, a young girl named Katu Lata Kulu came to America from Africa in a grey boat. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the words LATUALATUKA into her back. Now that you have read this message, she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you do the following:

Copy and paste this chain letter as a comment for three other videos.

That's an example of the latualatuka chain letter. If you've visited Youtube in the year 2007, you'll find that this is getting way out of hand. Whenever you see it, I suggest you respond with this:
In 2007, a really cool girl named Sasha went to Youtube in search of a video to watch, and instead read that chain letter. Feeling annoyed, she set out in search of Katu Lata Kulu. On the next full moon, Katu Lata Kulu came to her house to steal her soul. But what she didn't know was that Sasha was a professional ghost slayer. So she won't be bothering anyone anymore. Now that you have read this message, Sasha will come and kick your butt if you do the following:

Repost another chain letter in which something bad will happen to you if you don't repost it.
xxSeXyxxGiRl:Oh no!
xxSeXyxxGiRlxx:It's the latualatuka chain letter!
by letusbeus February 3, 2007
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