Term Describing your testicles.
Hey lady, be careful with the cashews while playing with the jim
by billyjoejimbob August 9, 2005
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Being raised by a catholic and jewish parent/celebrating both religions holidays throughout the year
I'm not very religious, but since both of my parents are i call myself a cashew.
by potentlol March 18, 2018
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When Your Dick is not even longer Than a 5 years old kid you have a Cashew.

Very Small.A bit Curvy,no nuts....like a cashew

Mr.1:Hey!Where's Cashew?
Mr.1:You Know that guy,Simon St-Marie,The guy we used to called Cashew in the Shower,After Our Hockey Games!
Mr.2:Fuck Yeah!Even my little bros have a bigger cock than this guy!
by Unknown Bob September 10, 2007
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A nut


A word that can be used to describe anything.
That TV is cashew good.
That bike is cashew bad.
by huckle berry goat June 17, 2008
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First used on the Cum Town podcast in a fugue state by co-host Nick Mullen, cashews or issues is what wiggers say as a warning during a dispute of some kind. The meaning being they are willing to escalate a conflict, or peacefully resolve it. The phrase is derived from "break nuts together" which in itself is derived from "break bread together" in this case the nuts/ bread being broken are cashews.
" We can pop a squatty at the table and break nuts, or we can have an issue. It's issues or cashews. It's on you my wigga. That's on you."
"Please stop. Stop calling me that."
by DuBigga in Dubai April 21, 2021
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The itchy ass you get after eating a moderate to large amount of Cashew nuts. The itching may be the next day, or the itch may lie dormant for several days, and then strike with enough ferocity to cause you to shove a chimney sweep up your ass.
"Why is Dan dragging his ass on the carpet?"

"Eh, I think he has a case of Cashew Itch, from the looks of it."
by Myriadpersonalities January 28, 2010
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