A rather obese man who thinks he his athletic enough to play basketball
Every time i go to the court i always end up guarding the 300 pound butterballer
by sam c. November 22, 2007
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Nickname for a person who is athletically gifted and is good at everything. They also tend to have a medical condition that causes their body to sweat more because they work more than the average person.
Coach: "Butterball hit 3 dingers today."
Scout: "He's the best player I've seen in a long time."
by zachary423 January 2, 2016
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The act of robbing a fast food joint of grease, and proceeding to use it as lube.
wow bro you really butterballed them, glad your girlfriend was into it
by FreakNasty831 January 6, 2018
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When you cum and some of the ejaculate gets on your testicles and begins to turn into a butter-like consistency as it slightly dries while you lie there nude basking in the post-orgasm glow.
After a few days of not jacking off, I had such a good orgasm last night that I looked down and had given myself butterballs.
by Celine Dion Fan Club President December 16, 2017
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word do describe a dick made out of butter
Oh butterballs!

Get your butterballs away from me you dirty girl!

Quit touching those butterballs danielle!
by cassyassy November 19, 2006
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Engaging in anal sex with a butterball (A morbidly obese person) This can result in extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of hearing, sight, and in some extreme cases: losing the ability to feel anything.
Friend 1:Did you hear what craig did?
Friend 2: No what did he do?
Friend 1: He butterball buttfucked Lisa last night!
Friend 2: Ew thats gross man!
by Jfeldster December 11, 2011
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