1.Failed to not have been fucked. 2. Having been fucked so hard that life itself seems indifferent or useless.
1. I tried to avoid pissing off the roidhead, but I was bumblefucked the minute he saw my average sized penis. 2. Bumblefucked, I fell off a cliff and was eaten by wolves while teenagers preached their ultimate wisdom for eternity.
by pungkram April 23, 2010
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A place that is so in the middle of nowhere that that

the only thing to do for fun is watch the bumblebees fuck!
I thought I was on the Moon, but really just bumblefuck, Kentucky.
by Sharky23 January 13, 2012
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1. Noun. A location in the middle of nowhere. Usually assigned a compass direction ie. East Bumblefuck. Also has a diminutive form Bumfuck.
2. A day where nothing productive is accomplished.
1. My friend lives in the middle of nowhere. He's in East Bumfuck.

2. I got nothing done today. It was one of those Bumblefuck days.
by DigitalSpiritx February 18, 2023
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Person 1:I live in Hauppauge

Person 2:oh yea you mean bumblefuck
by Conker1 May 28, 2019
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Bumblefucked - when you go on a Bumble date instead of handling important business and now things are messed up for good.
When deciding on a company name, she decided it was more important to go out on her Bumble date, and while she was out our unwanted co-worker added his name to the door. Without her vote to reject it, his name is now permanently the name of the company. She Bumblefucked us.
by Brad&Brittany February 15, 2023
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A person who cant do anything right, or who is clumsy.
"You Bumblefuck! You can't do anything right!!" or "Wow, that dude's the biggest Bumblefuck I know!"
by titwillow January 29, 2008
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A sex act involving honey as lubrication.
"Man, did you see Cindy last night? I hear she's really into the 'bumblefuck.'"
by Webster's Cousin October 1, 2009
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