Use to be considered a "no talent ass clown" that sucked, until doing the song "Jack Sparrow" with Lonely Island. Now he's a legend, and he actually has a good voice, who would've thought?
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During a zoom quiz; when one must leave abruptly to attend to urination or any immediate domestic task without announcing their sudden absence; planning to return in the style of English quizzer Andy Bolton.
Di: “Where’s Andy? “
Gerard: “He must be on a Bolton Break.”
Ken: “I believe I’ll take one too while he’s away.”
by Onewholinks July 19, 2023
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Personally, I celebrate the man's entire catalog. To me, it doesn't get any better than when he sings 'When a Man Loves a Woman.'
Why should I change? He's the one that sucks!
by Daytona Blue February 4, 2005
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An amazing character from office space who hates his name because of the other douchebag he shares his name with
by 14 inch cock March 11, 2005
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1. A stupid "no talent assclown" who sings like he's constipated aka the male Celine Dion.
2. Character from the most kick ass movie of all time Office Space.
by Anti Rebublican March 23, 2004
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A small 'multicultural' area in bolton that is full of fat racist white men and muslims who can't drive. It stinks of curry constantly and is mainly just a muslim community therefore all the shops are more suited for muslims. You won't ever be short of a takeaway although they're all shit. There's quite a large chav population however they aren't on the same level as those you'd find in kearsley and farnworth. Contrary to popular belief, deane isn't actually a 'rough' area and you'll be safe walking the streets at any time of day or night and generally the people are quite nice. i'd probably avoid the willows area though.

also everyone loves the local smackhead chigger! pete charnock is a fucking god!
'I was thinking of driving down to deane (bolton) to visit family today'
'Make sure you avoid daubhill!'
by sssssssssssssssssssssssocks September 18, 2011
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a small town football team punching way above its weight. bolton wanderers have a small but passionate band of followers and tend to be disliked by the media, fans of other clubs etc for the reason that over there time in the english premier league they have taken a scalp of one of these teams and/or knocked them out of cup competitions. known as 'long ball merchants' they have a tendancy to play football that gets 'in the face' of there opponents and consecuently stops them playing 'propper football' as the media call it. basicaly they are looked at as a small club that dosent belong in the premership - this only started when the beloved media sweetheart west ham was relegated at the reebok stadium in the 2001/2 season. the media still try to call them a small club even after 2 european tours (the second was the last 16 only getting knocked out on away goals by sporting lisbon following a 2-2 draw with byern munich) a league cup final, 2 FA cup semis and beating lyon every year in the peace cup final.
look at burnley, they think they are a bolton. like bolton wanderers
by noblobian January 11, 2010
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