Christopher Colombus: "Yar! I fell off the cliff!"
Servant: "Ur a pirate?!":|
by Lusterveil April 14, 2004
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1. Yes.
2. An exclamation of anger and/or excitement.
1."Would you like to go to the movies?"
2. "You suck!"
by BigBlowfish November 20, 2004
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An exclamaition of agreement (and also used as a random exlamaition) often used by "pirates," but since pirates have now become "illegal downloaders of software/music" and those "pirates" tend to be teenagers, "yar!" is basically an exclamaition of agreement (and also used as a random exlamaition)often used by teenagers.
Bob: Yar! This song I just downloaded is uncensored!
Lara: Yar!
by the sane maniac February 2, 2004
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in Hindi, "Yaar" is a slang (i think,
or it might be an actual word, i don't
rilly know hindi that well...) used
familiarly or affectionately, even when
speaking in english - it more or less means "friend".
buddy#1: hey! good to see you !
buddy#2: how have you been yaar ?!
by Vin September 10, 2004
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verb: To grab a bumper of a moving car on a snowy street and
squat down and ride on your feet.
We were yarring last night on Sal's car and Billy hit a dry patch and bashed his head on the bumper. Wot a pisser!
by BobWilson March 28, 2007
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yar can also be a name for a girl who is very smart and also has a sense of humor. she also is tall and loves to play sports and sometimes very quiet. but also loud sometimes, she isn't very patient but she can be a handful to handle.
person: I am so bored
Yar: well I am so bored with you telling me you're bored
by Kawaii_anime3700 December 26, 2019
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In the Kurdish language Yar is a name used for a lover or a loved one.
Shirin was Farhads yar.

“Shirin yari farhad bu”

And Vice versa.
by Thebitxhfrommars November 4, 2019
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