a termed used at princess yachts for referencing "grinding".
ear boys, i's gonna wazz up the side of the hull. back laters
by mr. senior management January 9, 2008
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To beat ones face with a hammer and rub vaginal excrement on oneself while masturbating to gay porn that involves anal bleeding and dog feces.
I know this guy wazz, he likes to #wazz.
by ImSukebe October 28, 2007
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To have a fit or to get worked up about something.
"Dont Have A Wazz Man!"
"John's Haven A Fucken Wazz Bout Nothin"
by ViJaY March 24, 2005
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Mike: Hey, listen, sounds like some jazz fusion music coming from that bar, lets check it out!

Tyrell: Oh, no man, that is just vacuous Wazz.
by kitty chi July 2, 2010
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A stereotype to describe a person who has spikey hair, who is quite daft, who often smokes a sheesha or hookah and also who has a nose to resemble the shape of a penis.
eg. My friend here is a wazz.
by Gangsta_ting2468 January 6, 2009
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