ultimate family changeroom. A favourite sport of travis kam.
Me: lets go ufc now.
You: No! thats taboo travis always ufcs
by ufc lovers August 3, 2010
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Ultimate Fighting Championship. Originally a multi-style free for all which was dominated by Royce Grace of the Grace Jujitsu family. There were 3 rules: No biting, no eye gouging, stop when the opponent taps out. Eventually, this became a joke as a serious fight and now has the feel of staged entertainment. New rules include rounds, points, TKO, throwing in the towel and the 5 minute “grand entrances” and trash talk about settling “grudges.”
I just saw UFC 248! 3 hours of trash talking, 20 minutes of "fighters" circling each other and 5 seoncds of fighting before the ref called the match! And it only cost $14.99 on pay per view!
by Tragic Story December 22, 2004
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UFC is what started out as an excellent fighting idea, but evolved to nothing more than skilless brawling, where the person who can take the most damage wins. An excellent idea, but in the end, UFC failed.
"Shit, I want to start a REAL MMA group, not that pansy UFC shit."
by WhiteSteel October 16, 2006
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two or more bros engaging in combat.
I'll fuckin UFC y0ur ass homie. What fool!
by the ultimate dgafer November 27, 2009
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Ugly fucking chick. Many people will think you are just talking about that ufc fight that happened last night. But in reality you are talking about that ugly fucking chick that just walked by.
Tyrone: Did you see that ufc?
Bobby: Hell ya that was disgusting.
by trashcantheyilf May 18, 2017
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Un Funny Cunt

When someone tries to be funny, but isnt they get called a UFC
Jeff - "Why did the chicken croos the road?, to get to the other side"

You - "UFC!"
by Jezza07 May 24, 2007
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When someone or something totally kicks the shit out of someone or get the shit kicked out of themself.
by Gigantic Hunt January 22, 2008
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