A smitty is a retarded male squirrel that enjoys beating its dick to pictures of pedophiles raping dogs
Man that smitty is really getting into it
by Nut_Buster April 13, 2017
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used to refer to a student who has a strong sexual attraction to his teacher

also someone who tries to masturbate in class
Bob: "Why were you jerking off in class?"

Erik: " Because the teacher is hot!"

Bob: "You're such a smitty!"
by ub3rpwn3d January 22, 2009
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Fucked upppppppp
Yo, lets get smitty and go skinny-dipping in the bathtub.

I'm pretty fucking smitty right now.
by Tooly McToolerson July 20, 2010
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Slang name for the 1st or 2nd mate on a pirate ship.
Arrr Smitty, bring da slaves to da deck before they walk the plank. ARRRRR! (Yo Ho, Yo Ho)
by Pirate1234 February 7, 2011
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dirty slut
often associated with std's and sti's
a whore not worth being paid
that smitty topped off bob, rik & jerry on the same nyte
by GiGi Mink September 18, 2010
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v. To be sarcastic or smart with someone, to degrade their intellect with an unpleasant attitude.
Bob: Aren't you the brightest bulb in the box?
Sue: Don't you be smitty with me bitch!
by BillyBobJoeJimBobJoe July 30, 2005
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