A tobacco cigarette, most notably one of the roll up variety.

Sometimes abbreviated "gaff".
Lash me a rizla, I fancy a gaffer.
by The Greek 88 October 28, 2010
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A line of Cocaine...preferably a large one
I am really drunk...I could really use a gaffer
by Hayton April 21, 2005
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Someone who is extraordinarily good at gaffing fish while ice fishing. Never misses a chance to land a fish.
Ryan is our gaffer without a doubt.
by Whisperer January 27, 2009
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A Gurl that suckz cock 4 money
Tonya Fisher and stacey furlong
by shawty March 25, 2005
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A man who enjoys the company of their hand, often masturbating due to their excessive loneliness.
Well that is a true gaffer for you.
by AlexTee December 7, 2010
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Original Definition is "Gay Ass Fag" thus the G.A.F. This is used to denote any and all skiers on the mountain or a poser if you are skating.
"Joey!", "I can't get around the mountain with all of these fucking gaffers in the way!"
by Mike Hizzart April 20, 2005
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